安進是全球生物科技醫藥領導者 。以價值觀為基礎,深根於科學和創新,為患有嚴重疾病的病患提供治療藥物。安進致力於探索、開發、製造和提供創新治療藥物,開拓生物科技潛能,幫助病患對抗嚴重疾病;並運用先進的人類遺傳學知識,揭開疾病的複雜性,瞭解人體生物學的基礎。

  • 生命的節奏

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The rhythm of life unfolds at an ever-changing pace. Some moments pass in a blur. Others tick by in slow motion.

But no matter what the pace of life, nothing is more valuable than the time we have to experience it—and the chance we have to live each moment to its fullest.

That’s why Amgen operates at a different rhythm, moving quickly toward the future by combatting the world’s toughest diseases.

With roots in the biotech revolution, today Amgen is one of the world’s leading independent biotech companies.

With each decade, we stay on the cutting edge of medical discovery, inventing powerful therapies—and reliably delivering them to patients.

We fight the toughest diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, and osteoporosis to help millions of people globally.

We live in a new era of human health. And Amgen continues to accelerate the pace of change--operating sustainably and drawing upon our deep knowledge of science to push beyond what’s known today.

We tap into a vast library of human and genetic data to unearth new insights into treating disease.

We are creating new therapies that are more precise and personalized than ever before, advancing medicines that can work in new ways, such as targeting multiple pathways in the body at the same time.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence help us make medicines more quickly and effectively by helping to predict if they’ll be safe and effective.

We’re also removing barriers that limit equitable access to healthcare to make our medicines available to more patients around the world.

At Amgen, our mission is to serve patients because we want these rhythms of life to continue. We want you, and your loved ones, to make every moment count—and to count on having more moments.


安進研發可治療嚴重疾病的藥物,銷售至全球逾 100 個國家及地區,協助數百萬人對抗癌症、腎臟、免疫、骨骼和其他嚴重疾病。我們針對病患未被滿足的醫療需求開發藥物,或針對現有藥物提供其他可行的替代治療。







  1. 健康人民 – 我們致力為病患帶來創新藥物,增進醫療可近性。例如,2021年 Amgen Safety Net Foundation 免費提供美國未投保或保險不足的病患約22億美元的藥物。

  2. 健康社會– 我們致力於為我們的員工和我們服務的人們建立一個更公正的社會。例如,安進是OneTen聯盟的創始成員之一,該聯盟由領導企業組成,目標十年內為100萬名美國黑人提供高薪且可維持家庭收入的工作機會。

  3. 健康地球– 我們優先考慮永續性,減少對環境的衝擊,以保護自然資源供後代使用。例如,2021年,安進宣布投資超過2億美元,目標在2027年前實現碳中和,同時將減少40%的用水和減少70%的廢棄物產生。

  4. 健康安進 – 我們堅持最高標準的道德與行為準則,以確保我們的文化和產品體現安進的價值觀。例如,每年安進同仁都會完成行為準則訓練,確保實踐安進的價值觀,以強化我們彼此之間以及與其他外部利害關係人之間的互動方式。